Hey! I’m Justyna – a romantic soul with a pinch of rebelliousness. In a couple of words I will portray the form of my artistic activity.
In my struggles with reality I am assisted by my own tiny world. A world of passionate work, magic and joy. It’s polymer clay… it’s a rewarding substance, which, for the past couple of years, has given me this amazing opportunity of making my vivid visions come true in the form of jewellery, assorted figurines and other projects.
To them I gift devotion in my colourful world.
And of course my beloved characters from the world of fantasy. That’s a different chapter of this story. Apparently they are magical … but where does the magic come from? I don’t know … maybe from the incredible joy that I receive from bringing them to life.
I complete all my projects by hand, meaning they are unique and exceptional, and each and every one of them holds its own aura. You can view some of my works on this page.